The Second Occasional LoneStarCon Science Fiction Convention and Chili Cook-off, Variously known as the 55th World Science Fiction Convention and LoneStarCon 2, the 1997 Worldcon, To be held from August 28th through September 1st, in the year 1997, in San Antonio, Texas.
LoneStarCon 2, the 1997 Worldcon Membership List: N
his is the LoneStarCon 2 membership list. This version is current as of August 10th, 1997. If your name is not on this list and it should be, or if the membership class is incorrect, or your name is misspelled, please e-mail us at alamowebmaster@alamo-sf.org or send a fax to us at 512-472-4290 and we'll investigate.NA00978 Nachman, Heather
A02687 Nadler-Olenick, Maggie Rae
S01576 Naff, Estelle
S01575 Naff, Timothy J.
A03480 Nagata, Linda
A00979 Nakashima, Lex
S04030 Nasal, Caroline
A00980 Nathanson, Phillip
A03921 Nault, Michael
A03057 Nazarian, Vera
A00981 Neagle, Robert
A02009 Neal, Eugenia
A03191 Nearhead, Daphne
A02693 Negishima, Yoshiko
A01793 Neilson, Ingrid
S02495 Nelson, Carl
S02496 Nelson, Karen
A00982 Nelson, Michael
A02390 Nelson, Nanette
A03852 Nernec, Alice
A00983 Nesbitt, Juanita J.
S00069 NESFA
S00984 Neubauer, Michelle
A02208 Neumann, Shirley A
A02686 Newell, Klon
A03120 Newell, Penni
A02634 Newman, Dawn
A02635 Newman, Ken
A03891 Newman, Kim
A00985 Newrock, Bruce
A00986 Newrock, Flo
S03424 Newton, Barry L.
S03425 Newton, Judith J.
S03426 Newton, Meridel H.
A02002 Nicholas, Beverly
S00987 Nicholas, Larry
A00988 Nichols, James
S00989 Nickelberry, S. L. (Cam)
A03634 Nickerson, Kevin
A02920 Nicolas, Andrew
A00990 Nielsen-Hayden, Patrick
A01779 Nielsen-Hayden, Teresa
A04098 Nienaber, Sarah
A03140 Niezink, Jan Willem
A00991 Nikkel, K. K.
A00993 Nilsson, Denise
A00994 Niven, Fuzzy Pink
A01517 Niven, Larry
A03305 Nladik, Tamara
A03464 Nolan, Louise
S00995 Nopper, Janet
A03926 Norcross, Cindy
A00996 Nordley, Gerald D.
A00997 Normandy, Elaine
A00998 Norris, Randy
A04106 Northridge, Virginia
A00999 Norton, Anne
A03665 Norton, Bud
A01000 Novak, John
A03178 Novak, Patricia Duffy
A02659 Nowakowska, Maggie
S01001 Nutt, Nancy
A01002 Nye, Jody Lynn
A01003 Nyhen, George
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