The Second Occasional LoneStarCon Science Fiction
Convention and Chili Cook-off, Variously known as the 55th World Science
Fiction Convention and LoneStarCon 2, the 1997 Worldcon, To be held from
August 28th through September 1st, in the year 1997, in San Antonio,
Texas. Michael
Guest of Honor
ichael Moorcock is well-known
for his heroic fantasy series, such as Elric of Melniboné,
Warrior of Mars, and Hawkmoon, which featured
the recurring character of the Eternal Champion. He also edited New Worlds
magazine for many years, during which time he brought many "New Wave"
writers including the likes of J.G. Ballard, Samuel R. Delany,
Thomas M. Disch, John T. Sladek, and Norman Spinrad to
the public spotlight. He won the Best Novella Nebula award in 1967 for
"Behold the Man," and the 1979 John W. Campbell Memorial
Award for Gloriana.
Reprinted from LoneStarCon 2's Progress Report
ichael Moorcock by
Diana Thayer
magine one enormous series of tales spread
across myriad parallel worlds, spanning time both real and
fantastic in which an immortal champion, through multiple
incarnations, battles Chaos on behalf of Order. The scene shifts from
modern-day London, to an Edwardian inspired far-future, to mist-shrouded
lands of legend in alternate realities. The protagonist himself changes
from tale to tale, a romantic Everyman whose trials and tribulations, no
matter how astonishing, seem to touch our own experience.
Who could write such a web of interrelated tales, and
how long would such a task take? The answer to the first question is,
Michael Moorcock. The answer to the second? Well, he was born in 1939, and
wrote the first version of the Eternal Champion's saga at age 17. He has
been writing ever since, and somehow, the whole marvelous structure of his
work seems to fit together. Not only that, it keeps growing and evolving.
In the introduction to the omnibus edition of The
Eternal Champion (White Wolf Publishing, 1996) Michael Moorcock
writes, "[This] is the 'first' book in the Eternal Champion cycle which
includes eight Elric books, seven Hawkmoon books, six Corum books, three
Michael Kane books, the von Bek books, the stories of Jack Karaquazian and
his associates, several science fiction novels and record albums and, more
or less directly, almost all my other books, where the idea is often used
as metaphor. Together with the idea of the multiverse and Tanelorn, it
forms the chief rationale and central symbol to my fiction. In recent
years, of course, with the Cornelius books, the Oswald Bastable books, the
Dancers at the End of Time and others, these ideas have also provided a
kind of ironic counterpoint."
So where does one start reading this prodigious body of
work? Anywhere. Anywhere at all. If you like heroic fantasy, you might
start with the Elric of Melniboné series, or The Warrior of Mars series,
or Corum, or Hawkmoon. If your taste runs to a more modern scene, try
reading the Jerry Cornelius novels. In his Encyclopedia of Science
Fiction, John Clute describes Jerry Cornelius as "Elric turned inside
out, an anarchic streetwise urban ragamuffin with James Bond gear", about
as far from heroic fantasy as you can get. For the science fiction buff,
there is The Sundered Worlds, described by some as a metaphysical
space opera, in which Moorcock first introduced the concept of the
"multiverse" a multitude of slightly different universes
which sometimes coincide. A more studious nature might enjoy the richly
textured Mother London, which is considered by many people to be
Moorcock's best work. And in the delightful Gloriana; or, The
Unfulfilled Queen, a sexual fable set in an Elizabethan alternate
universe, Moorcock explores the Elizabethan ideal of social moderation as
the perfect balance between Law and Chaos.
With all the diversity in his work, Michael Moorcock
must be a fascinating fellow. His style is tight, almost poetic in it's
leanness. His stories are introspective, yet entertaining. The
philosophical undercurrents do not intrude upon our consciousness, but are
an intrinsic part of the story. In short, he is a darn good teller of
So if you haven't read anything by Michael Moorcock, you
must have been asleep for a very long time. I suggest you jump in with
both feet. Somewhere. Anywhere. Bring him your imagination and he will
paint wonders on it. |