The Second Occasional LoneStarCon Science Fiction
Convention and Chili Cook-off, Variously known as the 55th World Science
Fiction Convention and LoneStarCon 2, the 1997 Worldcon, To be held from
August 28th through September 1st, in the year 1997, in San Antonio,
Texas. LoneStarCon 2, the 1997
Worldcon: Program Participants
he following is a list of some of the
writers, editors, artists, fans, and other interesting people who plan to
attend LoneStarCon 2. Please send any suggested web link updates to alamowebmaster@alamo-sf.org.
Abbey [bio],
Abramowitz, Forry
Ackerman, Joe Agee [bio],
MacBride Allen, Susan
Allison, Aaron
Allston [bio],
H. Altmann, Kevin J. Anderson,
C. Dean Andersson, Arlan
Andrews, Sr., Steve
Antczak, Patricia
Anthony, Lou
Aronica, Catherine
Asaro [bio],
Wayne Bailey, Wilhelmina
Baird, Bill
Baldwin [bio],
Balter, Wayne
Barlowe, Neal Barrett,
Jr. [bio],
Barton, Martha
A. Bartter, Kurt
Baty, E. Susan Baugh,
Baur, Stephen
Baxter, Austin
Bay [bio],
Beach, Martha
Beck, Tom
Becker, Delores
Goodrick Beggs, M.
Shayne Bell, Judy
Bemis, Gregory
Benford, Gregory
Bennett [bio],
Davidson Bentley, Joe
Bergeron, Joshua
Bilmes, Keith
Birdsong, Bob
Blackwood [bio],
Blevins, Suzanne
Alles Blom, K. B.
Bogen [bio],
Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Frank
Boosman, Terry
Boren, Alexander
Bouchard, Stephen
Boucher, Mark
Bourne [bio],
Brandt, David
Bratman, Seth
Breidbart, Kent
Brewster [bio],
David Brin, Charles N. Brown, Dwight Brown, William
Michael Brown, MD, Amy
Bruce, James
Brunet, Edward
Bryant, Ginjer
Buchanan, Algis
Budrys [bio],
Budrys, Lois McMaster
Bujold, Emma Bull, Chris
Bunch, Brian
Burley, Crispin Burnham, Lillian
Butler, Pat
Cadigan [bio],
A. T. Campbell III, Michael
Capobianco, Lillian
Stewart Carl [bio],
Carr, Susan
Casper [bio],
Cavelos, Bill
Cavin, Caz
Cazedessus, Jack L. Chalker,
McKee Charnas, Cy
Chauvin, David
A. Cherry, C. J.
Cherryh, Bill
Child, Chad
Childers [bio],
Chilson, Richard
Chwedyk, Hal
Clement, Brenda W.
Clough, Allan
Cole, Loren
Coleman, Ron
Collins, Cat
Conrad, Roxanne
Conrad, Glen Cook, Commander
Tom Cool [bio],
Earl Cooley III, Jim
Cooper, Tim
Corbett, Greg
Costikyan, John G.
Cramer [bio],
Creisler, Bill
Crider [bio],
C. Crispin, Shirley
Crossland, Rick
Crownover, Ctein, Scott
A. Cupp [bio],
E. Dabbs, Elizabeth
Danforth, Kate
Daniel, Randy
Dannenfelser, Richard
Dansky, Joni
Brill Dashoff, Todd
Dashoff, Ellen
Datlow, Howard
L. Davidson, Patricia
Davis, Jaque
Davison, Sue
Dawe, Genevieve
Dazzo [bio],
de Guardiola, John
DeChancie, A.M.
Dellamonica [bio],
Denton [bio],
Di Fate, Nick
DiChario, Lucienne
Diver, Carole Nelson
Douglas, John R. Douglas, Debra
Doyle, Gardner
Dozois, Fred
Duarte, Andy
Duncan, Dawn
Dunn, J. R.
Dunn, Linda J.
Dunn [bio],
J. Dyson, Don
Eastlake III, Claire Eddy, Scott
Edelman, Chris
Logan Edwards, Bob
Eggleton [bio],
Eisen, Alex
Eisenstein [bio],
Eisenstein, P. N.
Elrod, Ru
Emerson, Glen Engel-Cox,
Engel-Cox, Terry
England, Craig
E. Engler [bio],
Erichsen, Jennifer
Evans, Jane
Fancher, Lionel
Fanthorpe, Randy Farran, Bill
Fawcett, Moshe Feder, David
Feintuch [bio],
Feld [bio],
Feldbaum, Robert
Feldhoff, Tom
Feller, Mark
Fewell, Sheila
Finch [bio],
W. Fiscus, George
Flentke, Melanie
Fletcher [bio],
Flewelling [bio],
Floyd, Dr. John L.
Flynn [bio],
F. Flynn, Kaja Foglio, Phil
Foglio, Brad W. Foster, John
Foyt, Sue
Francis, Howard
Frank, Jane Frank, Laura
Frankos, Frank Kelly
Freas, Laura Brodian
Freas, Klaus
N. Frick, Esther
Friesner, Dan
Gallagher, James
Alan Gardner [bio],
Garfinkle, Elizabeth
Garrott, Janice
Gelb, David
Gerrold, Gail Gerstner-Miller, John
Gibbons, Richard
Gilliam, Alexis A. Gilliland, Laura
Anne Gilman, Benoit
Girard, James
C. Glass, Mike
Glyer, Barry
Gold, Lee
Gold, Kathleen
Ann Goonan, Adrienne
Gormley, Steven
Gould [bio],
Grayson, Scott
E. Green, Terence
M. Green, Hugh
Gregory, Lois
H. Gresh, Joe
Grillot [bio],
Groat, Anne
Lesley Groell [bio],
Eileen Gunn, Jon
Gustavson, George
Guthridge, Karen
Haber, Gay
Haldeman, Joe
Haldeman, Beverly
A. Hale, Bruce
G. Hallock, Barbara
Hambly, Peter
F. Hamilton, Norm
Hartman, William
K. Hartmann [bio],
David G. Hartwell, Teddy Harvia [bio],
Peter J. Heck [bio],
C. Hellinger, Jason
Henderson, Howard
V. Hendrix, Allison
Hershey, John
Hertz, Bill
Higgins, P.
C. Hodgell, Debbie Hodgkinson, Pamela Hodgson [bio],
Kiriki Hoffman, Rachel
E. Holmen, Butch
Honeck, Steven
D. Howe, Dave
Howell, Elizabeth
Anne Hull, Kathy
Ice, Tim Illingworth, Al
Jackson, Micah Jackson, Pat Jackson, Steve Jackson, Jael, Ken Jenks [bio],
Geri Jeter, K. W.
Jeter [bio],
Johnson, Les Johnson [bio],
Jones, J V
Jones, Neil Kaken, Morris Keesan, James Patrick Kelly, Tasha
Kelly, Bart
Kemper, Peggy Kennedy, Kay
Kenyon, John
J. Kessel [bio],
Ketter, Tom
Kidd, James
Killus, Katharine Eliska
Kimbriel, Tappan
W. King, Rick Klaw [bio],
Kay Klein, Thomas W.
Knowles [bio],
Yoshio Kobatashi, Rick Kolker, Erle
Melvin Korshak, Julie
Kosatka, Irene
W. Kraas, Edward
E. Kramer, Susan
J. Kroupa, Theodore
Krulik, David
M. Kushner, Dave Kyle, 'Zanne
Labonville, Jay
Lake, Timothy
Lane, Joe
Lansdale, Alexis
Glynn Latner [bio],
Joy Marie Ledet, April
Lee, Denise
Lee, Evelyn
C. Leeper, Fred
Lerner, David
Levine, Tony
Lewis, Jacqueline
Lichtenberg [bio],
H. Lillian III, Brad
Linaweaver, Patrick
LoBrutto, Jerry
Emerson Loomis, Jean
Lorrah, Denis Loubet, Lubov,
Lurie [bio],
Lyau, Dick Lynch, Nicki Lynch, Sonia
Orin Lyris, Donald
Maass, Pat
MacEwen, Don Maitz, Laura
Majerus, Joseph
Major, Julia
S. Mandala, Jim Mann, Laurie Mann, Jerrie
Marchand, Louise
Marley, George
R. R. Martin, Thomas K.
Martin, David
Marusek, Elise
Matthesen, Susan
R. Matthews, Kellie
Matthews-Simmons, Joe
Mayhew, Paul
J. McAuley, Shawna
McCarthy, Wil
McCarthy, Karen
E. B. McCue, John
G. McDaid, Jack
McDevitt, Ian
McDonald, Terry
McGarry, Erin
McKee, Christopher
McKitterick, Lori Meltzer, Karen Mermel, Karen Meschke, Karen
Meyers, Victor Milán,
Miller [bio],
Farran Miller, John
J. Miller, Ron
Miller, Sasha
Miller, C. J.
Mills, Betsy
Mitchell, Ellisa
Mitchell, Laura
J. Mixon, Rebecca Moesta, Devon
Monk, Elizabeth
Moon [bio],
Linda Moorcock, Michael
Moorcock [bio],
Moore, John
Moore, Sandra
C. Morrese, Phil
Morrissey, Mike
Moscoe, Kevin
Murphy, J Murray, Muff
Musgrave, Real
Musgrave, Linda
Nagata [bio],
Vera Nazarian, Ingrid
Neilson, Kim
Newman, Patrick Nielsen
Hayden [bio],
Nielsen Hayden, Larry
Niven, Gerald
D. Nordley, Patricia
Duffy Novak [bio],
Lynn Nye, Patrick
O'Leary, Glen
Oliver, Mark Olson, Priscilla Olson, Jerry
Oltion, Gene
O'Neill, Margaret
Organ-Kean, Ben
Ostrander, David
Lee Pancake, Bill
Parker, Richard
Parks, Spike Parsons, Teresa
Patterson, Peggy
Rae Pavlat, Hayford
Peirce, Bruce Pelz, Lawrence
Person [bio],
Nick Perumov, Herbie
J. Pilato, Anne
Phyllis Pinzow, Capucine
R. Plourde, Frederik
Pohl, Andrew
I. Porter, Jerry
Pournelle, Tim
Powers, Terry
Pratchett, Linn
Prentis [bio],
Preuss, Tullio Proni, Vol
Ranger, Peggy
Ranson, Eric Raymond, Carol Redfield, Joe Redfield, Robert
Reed, Robert
Reeves, Katya
Reimann [bio],
Carol Resnick, Laura
Resnick, Mike
Resnick [bio],
Neil Rest, Carrie
Richerson [bio],
Nonie Rider, Jennifer
Roberson, John
Maddox Roberts, Madeleine
E. Robins [bio],
Stanley Robinson, Roberta
Rogow, Jennie
A. Roller, Nina
Romberg, Mary
Rosenblum, Leslie
Roth, Kristine
Kathryn Rusch, Mary
Doria Russell, Charles
C. Ryan, Robert
E. Sacks, William
Sanders, David
Sandner, Denise
Satter, Robert J.
Sawyer, Sharon Sbarsky,
Schmidt, Debbi Schouten, Eckhard
Schwettmann, Lee
Seed, Barclay
Shaw, Nancy Tucker Shaw, Mark
Shepherd, Randy
Shepherd, Sherlock,
Sherman, Will
Shetterly, Sharon Shinn, Susan
M. Shwartz, Joe Siclari, Robert Silverberg,
S. Silverthorne [bio],
Pat Sims, Roger Sims, Bradley
H. Sinor, Nina Siros, Willie
Siros, Glenn
R. Sixbury, Alex Slate, Dave
Smeds, Dean
Wesley Smith, Dick Smith, Sherwood Smith, Susan
Smith, Lisa
Snellings, Dick Spelman, S. P.
Somtow, Martha
Soukup [bio],
Spector, Warren
Spector, Henry
Spencer, William
Browning Spencer, George
Spicuzza, G.
K. Sprinkle, Michael
A. Stackpole, Kevin
Standlee, John Steakley, Allen Steele, Tony
Steele, D Steffan, Bruce
Sterling [bio],
Edie Stern, Sandy
Stewart, Sean
Stewart [bio],
Stillman, S.
M. Stirling, John
E. Stith, John Stopa, J. Michael
Straczynski, Edwin Strickland, John Strickland, Ian
Randal Strock, Jean Stuntz, Michael
Swanwick [bio],
A. Synk, Roy
Tackett [bio],
Robert Taylor, Amy
Thomson, Diann
Thornley, B.
J. Thrower, Mark
W. Tiedemann [bio],
S. Tritt, David
Truesdale, Harry
Turtledove, Rochelle
Marie Uhlenkott, Uncle
River, M. C.
Valada, Gordon
Van Gelder, Mark
L. Van Name, James
Van Pelt, Allen Varney, Tom
Veal, Edd Vick, Denise
Vitola [bio],
von Orlow, Ray
Vukcevich, Susan
Wade, Sage
Walker [bio],
Ron Walotsky, Michael
J. Walsh, Michael
R. Walsh, Judith Ward, Lynn Ward, Elisabeth
Waters, Bob
Wayne, Don
Webb [bio],
Wein, Jacob
Weisman, Toni
Weisskopf, Henry Welch, Martha
Wells [bio],
Patty Wells, K. D.
Wentworth [bio],
Leslie What, Andrew
Wheeler, Wendy Wheeler, Guy
Wicker, Mel.
White, Victoria
White, Tom
Whitmore, Rick
Wilber [bio],
D. Williams, Russ Williams, Sheila
Williams, Walter
Jon Williams [bio],
Williamson, Connie
Willis, Courtney
Willis, Lori Wolf, Gene Wolfe, Marv
Wolfman, Noel Wolfman, Joanne Wood, Malcolm
B. Wood, Janny Wurts, Ben Yalow, J.
Steven York [bio],
Youll, Kate Yule, Timothy
Zahn, Tony
Zbaraschuk, Leah H. Zeldes, Sarah Zettel [bio],
Mark Ziesing.Robert
BiographiesHere is biographical information about some of
our convention attendees:
I'm Lynn Abbey, ex-New Yorker and ex-Michigander. I
became an Oklahoman in 1994. At the rate I'm slowly migrating west, I
expect to be buried in Hawaii.
My first novel, Daughter of the Bright Moon, was
published in 1978. Since then I've had fourteen novels published, most of
them fantasies and, most recently, Siege of Shadows (ACE Books) and
The Simbul's Gift.
I write fantasies because when my imagination gets
going, it's full of magic, intrigue and the colors of a stained-glass
window. If Science Fiction is the fiction of possible futures, then
Fantasy is the fiction of possible histories, but characters come first,
as real and human as I can make them.
Joe Agee has been part of Minneapolis fandom since 1986
and is known for his efforts organizing hospitality rooms, panels for
programming, and as a leader in media and gay fandom. Last year he chaired
Diversicon 4, a convention dedicated to celebrating and improving
multiculturism in SF fandom, and did a variety of programming at Minicon,
the Midwest regional convention, including his longstanding Vampires on a
Bed of Rice.
Aaron Allston
A native Texan with a love of spicy foods and Corsicana
fruitcakes (no jokes, now), Allston is the author of several novels
(including Galatea in 2-D and Doc Sidhe) and over forty
games (including Ninja Hero and The Complete Fighter's
Publicly cursed to eternal damnation by the chairman of
a major Oklahoma convention, Allston plans to repeat the experience in all
southwestern states.
Allston's most recent work includes Sidhe-Devil,
the sequel to Doc Sidhe, and Wraith Squadron, fifth novel in
the Star Wars: X-Wing series, both to be published in 1998.
Catherine Asaro
Catherine Asaro's fiction is a successful blend of hard
science fiction and exciting space adventure. Catch the Lightning
came out in Dec 1996 from Tor and the pb will be released in Oct 1997. It
is currently on the Nebula Award preliminary ballot. Dr. Asaro was an
invited guest at the conference Technology and American Culture
given by the University of Freiburg in Germany, where she read from
Catch the Lightning. Her critically acclaimed novel, Primary
Inversion also came out from Tor. It was on the 1995 preliminary
Nebula ballot and the Locus recommended reading list, and was a
finalist for the Compton Crook award. The Last Hawk, comes out in
Nov 1997 and The Radiant Seas in 1998. All four books are set in
the same universe, but all are stand alone novels and can be read in any
order (The Radiant Seas, however, continues the story from
Primary Inversion).
She has published short fiction in Analog,
reviews and nonfiction essays, and scientific papers in such as
Physical Review Letters, The Journal of Chemical Physics, and
Chemical Physics Letters. Her paper, "Complex Speeds and Special
Relativity" in the April 1995 issue of The American Journal of
Physics forms the basis for some of the science in her novels. She
also writes a column for Tangent magazine. She can be reached at asaro@sff.com and at http://www.sff.net/people/asaro/
Bill Baldwin
Bill Baldwin, author of The Helmsman (1985),
Galactic Convoy (1987), The Trophy (1990), The
Mercenaries (1991), The Defenders (1992), The Siege
(1994), Canby's Legion (1995), and The Defiance (October
1996) all published by Warner-Aspect, is a graduate of The Mercersburg
Academy ('53) and the University of Pittsburgh, where he earned a B.A. in
Journalism in 1959 and a Master of Letters degree in 1960. He spent the
next three years as a Lieutenant at the U.S. Air Force Missile Test
Center, Foreign Technology Division, Cape Canaveral, Florida, supporting
Project Mercury. In July 1963, he became a contractor for the NASA Manned
Spacecraft Center, Florida Operations, where he managed the writing group
handling Astronaut public relations and technical presentations during the
Gemini and early Apollo programs.
At the Cape, Bill was intrigued by the burgeoning
computer technology associated with spacecraft operations, and in 1965
moved north to work as a computer programmer for Burroughs Corporation
(now UNISYS). In the Defense and Space Division of Burroughs, he began a
second career happily immersed in leading-edge computer technology and
programming methods. After additional years in Advanced Software
Technology with Xerox Corporation supporting the Palo Alto Research Center
during its "Golden Age," he is now a Principal Partner in Helmsman
Publications, Inc., where he still spends much of his time staring into a
CRT. His email address is borodov@aol.com
Bill is a hopeless devotee of old-fashioned,
nuts-and-bolts Space Opera, a life member of SFWA, and a lover of classic
wooden Chris-Craft runabouts--particularly a meticulously restored '51
Riviera named Merlin. He and his wife, Pat, enjoy the good southern life
in Dallas, Texas, under virtual control of two space-alien cats (Felis
Horriblis), Bunthorne and Odile.
Neal Barrett, Jr.
Toastmaster Neal Barrett,
Jr. began publishing SF in the late 1950s, but his work is not
easy to categorize, as it spans the spectrum from SF, historical novels,
magical realism, and westerns, all the way to "gonzo" semi-mainstream
fiction. Regardless of the genre, his work is generally darkly humorous
and intensely human. In the late 1980s, he published Through Darkest
America and its sequel, Dawn's Uncertain Light, which
brought him considerable attention. His most recent books include
The Hereafter Gang, Pink Vodka Blues and
Dead Dog Blues. More information is available about Neal Barrett,
Austin Bay
Austin Bay is the author of four non-fiction books and
two novels, including the critically acclaimed thriller, Prism
(HarperCollins). He writes a foreign affairs column for The San Antonio
Express-News and has appeared as a guest commentator on CNN, C-SPAN, ABC
News Nightline, and numerous radio and tv programs.
Bay's A Quick and Dirty Guide to War: Third
Edition (a non- fiction assessment of current and potential armed
conflicts) was published in August 1996 by William Morrow. The new edition
(co-authored with James Dunnigan) won the Violet Crown Award for Best
Non-fiction, 1996.
Bay, who has had two commercial wargames published,
served for four years as a special consultant in wargaming in the Office
of the Secretary of Defense (1989-1993). He is a U.S. Army Reserve
lieutenant-colonel and served on active duty during Operation Desert
Storm. He has a doctorate in English and Comparative Literature from
Columbia University. He lives in central Texas, where he enjoys playing
jazz piano.
Gregory Bennett
Scientist/author Gregory Bennett is a regular
contributor to Analog. His best-known story is probably "The Last
Dr. Bob Blackwood, film critic for Chicago's "Near North
News," is a professor of English and Communications Media at Wright
College, City Colleges of Chicago. In the last year, he has made people
laugh at DeepSouthCon in Jackson, MI; CapriCon in Chicago; and ValleyCon
in Fargo, ND. He teaches literature and film courses, is fond of cats,
single malt whisky and Diane Miller (in reverse order).
K. B. Bogen
K. B. Bogen is the author of Go Quest, Young Man.
Believe it or not, she says she likes puns.
Mark Bourne
Mark Bourne's fiction has appeared in magazines such as
Asimov's and Fantasy & Science Fiction, and in
anthologies such as Chicks In Chainmail (and its forthcoming sequel
Did You Say "Chicks"?), Alternate Tyrants, Full Spectrum
5, and Sherlock Holmes In Orbit, with more to come. He is also
a scriptwriter specializing in science programs for planetariums, TV and
video. His newest planetarium show opens in Boston this October, and by
the time of this convention may be a writer for the PBS TV series Bill
Nye The Science Guy. He can be found online at http://www.sff.net/people/MBourne/.
And his novel's coming along nicely, thanks.
Kent Brewster
Kent Brewster writes odd little stories "In the Pound, Near Breaktime" was a Nebula finalist this
year and publishes Speculations, a bimonthly magazine
for writers who want to break into the sf, fantasy, horror, or "other"
speculative fiction markets.
Guest of Honor Algis
Budrys (aka A.J.) is a genuine triple-threat: a renowned SF
writer, critic and editor. His best-known novels include Rogue
Moon, Michaelmas, Who? and Falling Torch.
In the mid-1960s, he began doing regular book reviews, many of which
appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction.
During the 1980s and early 1990s, he was involved with the Writers of the
Future project, a contest that introduced such writers as Karen Joy
Fowler, Robert Reed and David Zindell to the field. He has also served as
an administrator for the Philip K. Dick Award, and now edits Tomorrow SF
Pat Cadigan
Writer and media star Pat Cadigan has an attitude in
everything she does. Her groundbreaking science fiction has been published
in the novels Mindplayers, Synners, and Fools, and
the collection Patterns.
Lillian Stewart Carl
Lillian Stewart Carl is a writer from the Dallas area.
Her most recent story, "The Blood of the Lamb", appeared in the
anthology The Time of the Vampires.
Susan Casper
Susan Casper has published over 25 short stories in
magazines such as Asimov's, F&SF and Playboy, and
in several science fiction, fantasy and horror anthologies.
Chad Childers
Chad Childers is the internal Web and USENET News
administrator at Ford Motor Company, and in his copious spare time avoids
sleep by upgrading the Stilyagi Air Corps Calendar, http://www.stilyagi.org/con.list.html.
Version 3 will tell you which cons you should go to, which parties have
the best Scotch, and which ones to avoid because of psycho ex-girlfriends,
all while beating Deep Blue at chess.
Commander Tom Cool
Tom Cool is a true name. A native of western
Pennsylvania, Tom is a graduate of Penn State's creative writing program.
As a naval intelligence officer, he has made four deployments in aircraft
carrier battle groups. His first novel, Infectress, was published
by Baen Publishing Enterprises in January 1997. His second book, Secret
Realms, wiil be published by Tor in June 1998. Fantasy and Science
Fiction published his short story, "Universal Emulators," in July
1997. He is currently collaborating on Soldier of Light with John
deLancie. Eva Cool, a Chinese descendant from the Republic of Panama, and
Tom are raising two astoundingly happy children, Raquel, 12, and
Alexander, 9. The family speaks English, Chinese and Spanish. They live in
Austin, Miami and Panama.
John G. Cramer
John Cramer is a native Texan. He was born in Houston
and attended Edgar Allen Poe Elementary School (!), Lanier and Lamar High
Schools, and Rice University, where he ultimately earned a physics PhD. He
is now a Professor of Physics at the University of Washington in Seattle.
He writes "The Alternate View" columns about physics and astronomy
published bi-monthly in Analog SF/F Magazine. He has written two hard SF
novels about cutting-edge physics, Twistor (1989) and the just-published
Einstein's Bridge(1997), which is set in Waxahatchie, Texas after
the Superconducting Super Collider goes into operation. It's about high
energy physics, wormholes, alien contact, time travel (the hard way!), and
the killing of the SSC Project by the US Congress. Information about
John's books and AV column reprints are on the Web at: http://weber.u.washington.edu/~jcramer/.
Bill Crider
Bill Crider is the author of the 1996 Anthony Award
nominee for best short story, "How I Found a Cat, Lost True Love, and
Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo," as well as many mystery novels in
three different series. He has also written three children's books:
Mike Gonzo and the Sewer Monster, Mike Gonzo and the Almost
Invisible Man, and Mike Gonzo and the UFO Terror. His first
book, Too Late to Die, won the Anthony Award as "best first mystery
novel" in 1986. His first private-eye novel, Dead on the Island,
was nominated for a Shamus Award by the Private-Eye Writers of America.
Scott A. Cupp
Scott A. Cupp is known for writing some amazingly
strange stories in the genres of horror and cowpunk. You should really
seek out his alternate Alamo story "Thirteen Days of Glory"
(published in Razored Saddles) and his sacrilegious but brilliant
"King of the Cows" (published in South by Midnight and
graphically adapted in Weird Business). Scott can usually be found
in the dealers' room selling books.
Genevieve Dazzo
Genevieve Dazzo holds a Ph.D. in Theoretical Chemistry
and is well versed in many different scientific disciplines. She has held
senior positions at several Software, Pharmaceutical, Telecommunications,
and Aerospace companies. She is the head of Quality Associates, a company
that trains other companies and their employees in aspects of Total
Quality Management, Statistical Process Control, Design of Experiment,
Graphical User Interface, and a variety of advanced computer and
management skills.
Genevieve has been active in science fiction fandom both
in New York City and Los Angeles since the mid-70s and has worked on many
conventions including both Worldcons and regional conventions. She is
currently on the Board of the Southern California Institute for Fan
Interests (SCIFI) and was on the committee for L.A.con III, the 1996 World
Science Fiction Convention.
A.M. Dellamonica
A.M. Dellamonica has been, at various points in her
life, a theatre technician, rape crisis worker, college newspaper editor,
actor, apprentice pink-collar slave trader, alarm monitor, piccolo diva
and guerrilla secretary. A resident of Vancouver, B.C., Canada, where she
lives with the most wonderful woman in the world, she is a member of the
Fangs of God on-line writers workshop. Her stories have appeared in
Crank!, Realms of Fantasy, Tomorrow Speculative
Fiction and a number of other magazines and anthologies.
Bradley Denton
Austin writer Bradley Denton recently won a World
Fantasy Award for a collection of his short fiction. Brad's novels include
Wrack & Roll, Buddy Holly is Alive and Well on Ganymede,
and Blackburn. His most recent book is the "coming of middle age"
novel Lunatics. If Brad were a rock star, he'd like to be Pete
Linda J. Dunn
Linda J. Dunn has been writing professionally since
1991. Her stories have appeared in Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy,
Analog Science Fiction, Witch Fantastic, 100 Wicked
Witches, Castle Fantastic, Alternate Skiffies, and
others. By day, Linda tests avionics software for Hughes Technical
Services, Indianapolis and at night she attends classes at IUPUI. She and
her husband Greg live in Greenfield, Indiana with two teenage children
(David and Tonia) and five cats.
Painter extraordinaire Bob Eggleton's space art has
graced the covers of many fine SF novels and magazines over the past few
years. A collection of Bob's work, Alien Horizons: The Fantastic Art of
Bob Eggleton, was a Hugo finalist for Best Non-fiction Book.
Alex Eisenstein
Alex Eisenstein--graphic artist and co-author with his
wife, Phyllis Eisenstein--is a regular panelist on film discussions in
such places as CapriCon, WindyCon, MiniCon and many others. He has been
known to disagree in a loud voice with Bob Blackwood.
Craig E. Engler
Craig E.Engler is the editor and publisher of Science
Fiction Weekly, the leading electronic publication covering the world
of SF (http://www.scifiweekly.com/). He
also works as an online consultant for The Sci-Fi Channel and as the SF
"expert editor" for Amazon.com Books.
As a journalist, his work has appeared in publications ranging from The
New York Times to Wired.
David Feintuch
Dave Feintuch won the John W. Campbell award for best
new writer at the 1996 Worldcon. His books include the Nick Seafort
series: Midshipman's Hope, Challenger's Hope, Prisoner's
Hope, Fisherman's Hope, and Voices of Hope, and his new
fantasy The Still. He lives in Michigan in an antique mansion where
only his writing room is electronic.
A recovering attorney, Feintuch has also been a
professional photographer, an antique dealer, and real estate investor. He
has had a lifelong interest in history, and in particular, in the british
Navy in the age of sail.
Harold Feld (SCA: Yaakov HaMizrachi): Graduated from
Boston University Law School in 1993 and has since worked as a Judicial
clerk, for the federal government, and for the Domain Name Rights
coalition, an on-line advocacy group. He starts with Covington &
Burling, a Washington D.C. area law firm, almost immediately after
LoneStarCon 2. In addition, Harold does semi-professional storytelling
(i.e. occasionally he is paid to do what it is normally impossible to
prevent him from doing), has been an avid filker for over ten years, and a
member of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) for nearly that long.
Sheila Finch
Sheila Finch's first novel, Infinity's Web, won
the Compton Crook award. She has published five science fiction novels,
and a sixth serialized on-line in Tomorrow SF. Her science fiction
and fantasy short stories include a series about the Guild of
Xenolinguists which made its first appearance in the novel Triad.
Sheila teaches fiction writing and science fiction at El Camino College in
Melanie Fletcher
Melanie Fletcher is an SF writer, graphic artist, and
self-appointed Babe Feminist. Her writing credits include "Star Quality"
and "Heramaphrodite," from the respective anthologies Selling Venus
(Circlet Press, June 1995) and Genderflex (Circlet Press, June
1996). Her art credits include artwork and cover design for the anthology
Mind and Body (Circlet Press, June 1997). Currently living in the
Netherlands with her husband the Bodacious Brit, she is working on her
first SF novel, White Knight, Queen Alice, and is happy to engage
in hand-to-hand combat with people who insist that Lewis Carroll took
Lynn Flewelling
Lynn Flewelling's Luck In The Shadows (Bantam
Spectra '96) was chosen by Locus as a Recommended First Novel. The
sequel, Stalking Darkness, was published in March 1997 and two more
books in the Nightrunner Series are currently under contract. She has
conducted writing workshops/seminars for Maine Writers and Publishers
Alliance, the University of Maine, and various schools.
Flewelling has been, among other things, a teacher,
veterinary assistant, necropsy technician, book reviewer, freelance
journalist, and novelist. She loves the outdoors, the metaphysical,
literature, history, and all things shiny.
Flewelling lives in Bangor, Maine, with her husband and
two sons.
Dr. John L. Flynn
I am a member of the Science Fiction Writers of America,
and I have written five books, countless articles, dozens of stories. I
write a regular column for Sci-Fi Universe magazine, and I teach one of
the few university courses on Science Fiction Writing.
James Alan Gardner
James Alan Gardner has published a number of short
stories in such places as Asimov's, Amazing, Fantasy
& Science Fiction, and several anthologies. His first novel
"Expendable" came out this July and his next "Commitment
Hour" is scheduled for next February; both are from Avon. He lives in
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada with his wife Linda and two demanding rabbits.
In his spare time, he studies kung fu and recovers from bruises.
Steven Gould
Steven Gould is the author of the SF novels
Jumper, Wildside, and (forthcoming) Helm, all from
Tor Books. He's been nominated for the Hugo twice and the Nebula once.
Both Jumper and Wildside were ALA Best Books for Young
Adults. Greenwar, a techno-thriller written with Laura J. Mixon is
out this year.
Joe Grillot is head of film programming at
LoneStarCon 2 and a master of film trivia as well as significant
facts on motion pictures.
Anne Lesley Groell
Anne Lesley Groell has been working in the field for
five years as an editor, and year and a half as an author. After receiving
a BA in Biology from Yale University and an MS in Developmental Biology
from the University of California at Irvine, she swapped fields and went
to work first for Avon Books and then for Bantam. Her first published
novel, Anvil of the Sun, was released from Penguin/Roc in 1996. The
sequel, Bridge of Valor, followed in 1997. Between editing and
writing, she gets very little sleep, but loves what she's doing too much
to quit.
William K.
Dr. William K. Hartmann published the SF novel, Mars
Underground, in 1997. He received a Hugo nomination for his earlier
non-fiction book The Grand Tour, with Ron Miller. Hartmann has
written several books on space, astronomy, and space art, published by
Workman (New York). Mars Underground, published by Tor (New York)
is his first novel. Hartmann is also known for his planetary research and
is a member of the Mars Global Surveyor science team, and is also known as
an astronomical artist. Asteroid 3341 was named for him in recognition of
his work.
Teddy Harvia
Teddy Harvia, winner of the Fan Artist Hugo in 1991 and
1995, is best known for his alien WingNutsTM cartoon
characters, created in 1977 and most recently appearing in the
LoneStarCon2 progress reports. His other characters include sabertooth
Chat, in the U.S. fanzine Mimosa, the goddess Opuntia, in the
Canadian fanzine of the same name, and Enid the Echidna, in the Australian
fanzine Ethel the Aardvark. A postcard maven he claims to have a
collection with a copy of every postcard ever printed, doubtless an
exaggeration. His anagrammatic alter ego David Thayer is chairing the
Cancun in 2003 WorldCon bid.
Peter J. Heck
Peter Heck is the author of the "Mark Twain Mystery"
series. He has worked in the SFF field as editor (Ace Books), reviewer
(Asimov's) and all-around freelancer (Waldenbooks, etc.) In his
spare time, he plays lead guitar and sings with the Don't Quit Your Day
Job Players.
Pamela Hodgson
Pamela Hodgson is a displaced Chicagoan whom Kim Mohan,
when editing Amazing, singled out as a writer to watch, saying,
"This writer has a tremendous sense of craftsmanship and from what I've
seen a marvelous imagination." In addition to Amazing, her short
fiction has appeared in F&SF, and assorted anthologies. She is
currently completing a novel based on her short story, "The Canterbury
Path," (F&SF, Aug. '95).
Ken Jenks is the Owner and Editor-in-Chief of Mind's Eye
Fiction (http://tale.com/) which publishes
short stories by professional authors on the Internet. Mr. Jenks has used
computers for 22 years, starting in junior high. He's used the Internet
for 13 years. He holds a bachelor's in computer science, a master's in
aerospace engineering, and he's still working on his Ph.D. in mechanical
engineering. He's a private pilot license and a scuba diver. He shares his
home in Houston, Texas with a wife, three cats and a Great Dane. He can be
reached by e-mail at MindsEye@tale.com.
K. W. Jeter
West Coast writer K. W. Jeter started attracting
attention with his first novel, Dr. Adder, and people are still
wondering what he'll do next. His SF novels include The Glass
Hammer, Death Arms, and Farewell Horizontal, and his
horror novels include Dark Seeker and Wolf Flow. His novel
Morlock Night is a successful sequel to H. G. Wells's The Time
Machine. His most recent book is the controversial Blade Runner 2:
The Edge of Human, which continues the story started by his friend
Philip K. Dick.
Les Johnson leads NASA's concept definition efforts for
future space missions using tethered satellites and is the principal
investigator of the Propulsive Small Expendable Deployer System (ProSEDS)
tether mission. Prior to joining NASA, Mr. Johnson was employed by General
Research Corporation where he helped design Directed Energy Systems as a
part of the Strategic Defense Initiative.
Les received his Masters Degree in Physics from
Vanderbilt University in 1986 and his Bachelors Degree in Chemistry and
Physics from Transylvania University in 1984. He is also a graduate of the
International Space University. He has published several papers in various
technical journals and has a patent pending for "A Laser Triggered Fiber
Optics Neutral Particle Beam (NPB) Neutron Sensor."
He is a long-time science fiction fan and credits the
beginning of his interest in physics and space to the Perry Rhodan novels,
Star Trek and the successes of the Apollo Program. Les is the NASA
Technical Consultant for the new Lost In Space movie being filmed
by Shepperton Studios. He lives in Madison, Alabama with his wife Carol,
son Carl and daughter Leslie.
John J. Kessel
Writer and scholar John Kessel won a Nebula Award for
his novella "Another Orphan", which was part of his doctoral
dissertation in English from the University of Kansas. His books include
the novels Freedom Beach (written with James Patrick Kelly) and
Good News from Outer Space. His short fiction has been collected in
Meetings in Infinity. Kessel's latest book is the novel
Corrupting Dr. Nice.
Richard Klaw first received attention as the managing
editor of Blackbird Comics, where he was responsible for Shannon Wheeler's
Children With Glue, The Sound of Coming Darkness, and his
first anthology Modern Perversity. Since leaving Blackbird, Rick
has helped to establish MOJO Press and is currently the managing editor.
For MOJO he co-edited the ground breaking, Eisner nominated anthology
Weird Business, Moebius' classic western Blueberry, the 30th
Anniversary Edition of Michael Moorcock's Behold The Man, the
critically acclaimed first novel by Del Stone, Jr. Dead Heat, and
many other books. Recently he edited the new Moorcock collection Tales
From The Texas Woods. In a recent issue of Locus Ed Bryant had this to
say: "Austin's MOJO Press is a leader in the latest wave of ambitious
speciality publishers."
Thomas W. Knowles
Thomas W. Knowles has worked as a reporter,
photographer, columnist, and news editor, as well as a teacher and a
technical editor. His short fiction, technical articles and non-fiction
articles, photo-interviews, essays, columns and reviews have appeared in
Mystery Scene, New Destinies, Persimmon Hill, Southwest Art, Starlog, The
Texas Aggie, Texas Books In Review, Texas Sportsman, and many other
newspapers, anthologies and magazines. As a freelance interviewer for
national and regional magazines, he's published photo-interviews with many
Texas celebrities, including Lyle Lovett, Kinky Friedman, Linda Ellerbee
and John Henry Faulk.
Knowles authored and edited a series of three
anthologies on the American West published by Random House: the history of
the Old West in The West That Was (1993) and the myth of the
Wild West in Wild West Show! (1994) (with Joe R. Lansdale),
and true-life adventures in the modern West in The Living
West (1997). The American Library Association picked Wild
West Show! for its 1996 special recommend reading list of the
thirty best books about the American West, and the Newbery Library
included it in its NEA-sponsored two-year, 44-library exhibition, "The
Frontier in American Culture."
He's presently working on two SF novels (one of them set
in a fictional Republic of Texas), an exploration of cowboy culture in
Cowboy Logic and of Native American culture in Letters from Tonto to
Crazy Horse, the official illustrated history of of the Texas
Rangers in They Rode for the Lone Star, and a travel guide
and history of movies filmed on location in Texas in Shot in
He's a sometimes member of the Science Fiction Writers
of America and the Western Writers of America, a founding member of the
the Texas Ranger Heritage Society, and is known as "Captain Jack" to the
Brazos Desperados chapter of the Cowboy Action Shootists. Science fiction
is his first love, but his interest in the American West stems from his
heritage as a fourth-generation Texan who can claim ancestors from both
sides of the Comanche-Texas Ranger conflict. He lives in Bryan, Texas,
where he often works with the Cub Scouts of America and teaches an
occasional writing class at Texas A&M University.
Alexis Glynn Latner
Houston writer Alexis Glynn Latner has become a regular
contributor to Analog with her stories of near-future technological
extrapolation and its effects on the human condition.
Jacqueline Lichtenberg
The central web site for Jacqueline Lichtenberg's
Sime~Gen fandom information is at <URL:http://www.best.com/~shadorat/sg/sgfr.html>
Perrianne Lurie
Perrianne Lurie is the e-mail liaison for BucCONeer, the 1998
Worldcon, where she will also be working on programming. She was a member
of the bid committee and edited the bid 'zine, Fenzance
Factsheet as well as serving as e-mail liaison. She has been active in
fandom since 1979, and has been a member of the con com for Balticon
(Green Room, Programming), Disclave (Filk, Program Book, Program Ops),
I-Con (NY-Information Desk), and numerous Worldcons (Ops, Program Ops). In
real life, she is a physician epidemiologist and the Director of the
Communicable Disease Program at the Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Department of Health in Annapolis.
Craig Miller is a writer/producer of television with
over fifty produced credits. His projects for this year have included
writing two episodes of Showtime's Horror Anthology series "The Hunger" as
well as co-creating and co-executive producing "Pocket Dragon Adventures",
an animated series based on Real Musgrave's characters debuting this
October in North America and the following Spring throughout Europe. He
also spent time as a Motion Picture Marketing Consultant on such films as
"Star Wars", "The Empire Strikes Back", etc. And, within fandom, he
chaired the 1984 World Science Fiction Convention, L.A.con II, and headed
the Program Division for last year's Worldcon, L.A.con III.
Elizabeth Moon
Elizabeth Moon is a native Texan who grew up south of
the King Ranch, has degrees from two Texas universities, and now lives in
a small town north of Austin. She has written both science fiction and
fantasy, at every length from short-short to "enormous". Her most recent
works include Remnant Population and Once a Hero, and
stories in anthologies such as Sisters in Fantasy, Chicks in
Chainmail, and Women at War. She likes fast horses, dark
chocolate, rock-bottomed creeks, and home-made bread.
Michael Moorcock
Guest of Honor Michael
Moorcock is well-known for his heroic fantasy series, such as
Elric of Melnibone', Warrior of Mars, and
Hawkmoon, which featured the recurring character of the
Eternal Champion. He also edited New Worlds magazine for many years,
during which time he brought many "New Wave" writers including the likes of J.G. Ballard, Samuel R. Delany, Thomas M.
Disch, John T. Sladek, and Norman Spinrad to the public
spotlight. He won the Best Novella Nebula award in 1967 for "Behold
the Man," and the 1979 John W. Campbell Memorial Award for
Linda Nagata is the author of three hard science fiction
novels, all published by Bantam since 1995. The Bohr Maker won last
year's Locus Award for best first novel. Her other novels include Tech
Heaven and Deception Well. Her short fiction has been in
Analog and The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction.
She lives in Hawaii.
Patrick Nielsen Hayden
Patrick Nielsen-Hayden is senior editor and Manager of
Science Fiction at Tor Books. He is also editor of the ongoing original
anthology series Starlight. He has been an active fan for over two
decades; with his wife Teresa Nielsen Hayden, he edited the award-winning
fanzine IZZARD and won TAFF in 1985. He and Teresa live in
Brooklyn, New York.
Patricia Duffy Novak
Patricia Duffy Novak lives in Alabama, with her husband,
Jim, her daughter, Sylvia, one dog, and four cats. She holds a B.A. and
M.A. in English, and a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics. Her short fiction
has appeared in Sword and Sorceress, Marion Zimmer Bradley's
Fantasy Magazine, Realms of Fantasy, Adventures of Sword and
Sorcery, and various volumes of Marion Zimmer Bradley's
Darkover anthologies.
Lawrence Person
Austin writer Lawrence Person's short stories and poetry
have been published in Asimov's and in Mike Resnick's
Alternate anthologies. His story "Details" made Locus's
Annual Recommended Fiction List a couple of years ago. Lawrence has been a
major contributor to the criticalzine Nova Express, and he's
currently one of the organizers of the Turkey City Writer's Workshop.
Linn Prentis
I'm a fairly new agent, working for myself but with an
office at the Virginia Kidd Agency. I also work for the agency. Fiction is
what I do, and I have a special interest in SF/Fantasy. Most of my
authors but not all are fairly new. I
handle stories. I've sold a few books and have sales pending.
Katya Reimann
Katya Reimann is the author of the Chronicles of
Tielmark, including Wind from a Foreign Sky (hc 1996, sc April
1997, Tor) and A Tremor in the Bitter Earth (forthcoming Winter
1998, Tor) with a third, as yet in its conceptual stages, contracted for
the following year. Wind From a Foreign Sky made Locus's 1996
Recommended Reading List, First Novel category. When not writing fantasy
novels she plugs away at Pocketclock, a science fiction novel that
plagues her by never quite being completed. She was recently nominated for
the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. Katya lives in Cambridge,
MA., where she shares ownership of Cheka, a red and white male Basenji the most catlike of dogs.
Writer/editor Mike Resnick has won more awards than we
can count for his fiction. His novels include Birthright:The Book of
Man, Ivory: A Legend of Past and Future, The Dark Lady: A
Romance of the Far Future, and Galactica Discovers Earth. His
recent short fiction has been collected in Will the Last Person the
Leave the Planet Please Shut Off the Sun? His best-known work is
probably the recently-concluded series of Kiranyaga stories set in
a science-fictional African society. Resnick's most recent novel is The
Widowmaker Reborn.
Carrie Richerson
Austin writer Carrie Richerson has published some
wonderful short fiction in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science
Fiction and Pulphouse. Carrie is a two-time finalist for the
John W. Campbell Award for best new writer.
Madeleine E. Robins
Madeleine Robins edits comic books, writes science
fiction and fantasy (Holocaust of Stone is forthcoming from Tor) as
well as five Regency romances, bakes muffins for PTA bakesales, and is
startled to find that she is part of a Major Political Demographic (ie., a
Soccer Mom) even though she is not Republican. At all. She lives in New
York City with her husband Daniel Caccavo, a recording engineer, and two
daughters: Juliana and Rebecca. She is having it all, but wonders where to
put it.
Lisa S.
Lisa's short fiction has appeared in Blood Muse,
Bending the Landscape, and the Sword & Sorceress
anthologies. She is currently working on several novels. Her dream is to
become a published novelist. She works as a microcomputer support
specialist in a university library system. She shares her home with her
feline furpersons: Seville and Marshall.
Martha Soukup
Martha writes stories, several dozen over the past
decade. Four have been nominated for Hugos; one, "A Defense of the
Social Contracts", won a Nebula. As she writes this, she thinks her
collection has been published for Worldcon: check at the DreamHaven table
in the dealers' room. In addition to publishing stories for odd adults and
odder kids (check A Nightmare's Dozen or A Starfarer's Dozen
from Harcourt for the latter, she might just be working on some short
middle-grades books.
Bruce Sterling
Bruce Sterling, author, journalist, editor, and critic,
was born in 1954. He has written six science fiction novels and two short
story collections. He edited Mirrorshades The Cyberpunk Anthology.
He also wrote the nonfiction book The Hacker Crackdown: Law and
Disorder on the Electronic Frontier (1992). He has written regular
columns on popular science and literary criticism for The Magazine of
Fantasy and Science Fiction, Interzone, and Science Fiction
Eye. Sterling is on the board of directors of EFF-Austin, a local
Texan electronic civil liberties group. He lives in Austin with his wife
and two daughters.
Hot new writer Sean Stewart lays strong claim to the
title of "best SF writer born in Lubbock". He's actually spent most of his
life in Canada, but he moved back to Texas (Houston, to be precise)
recently to our delight. Sean has made a name for himself by writing
several very good but different novels over the past couple of years. His
books include Passion Play (Aurora winner), Nobody's Son
(another Aurora winner), and Resurrection Man. His newest novel is
Clouds End.
Michael Swanwick
Michael Swanwick's Stations Of The Tide was
honored with the Nebula Award in 1992. "The Edge of the World" received
the Theodore Sturgeon Award in 1989. Just this year his story "Radio
Waves" won the World Fantasy Award. His books include In The Drift,
Vacuum Flowers, Griffin's Egg, Stations Of The Tide,
The Iron Dragon's Daughter, and a short story collection,
Gravity's Angels. Another collection, A Geography Of Unknown
Lands is currently available from Tiger Eyes Press. His new novel,
Jack Faust, has just been published by Avon Books.
Roy Tackett
Fan Guest of Honor Roy
Tackett is a member of First Fandom. He single-handedly founded
Albuquerque fandom, and is generally regarded as the Godfather of the
extensive New Mexico SF community. More than all that, he's also the
person responsible for unleashing Robert Vardeman onto the SF community. A
contributor to FAPA [Fantasy Amateur Press Association], the world's
oldest APA, he also pubs Dynatron. More
information is available about Roy Tackett.
Mark W. Tiedemann
I began writing as a child by doing my own comic books.
I took up the camera in high school and worked as a professional
photographer for over 20 years. I took up writing about the time I met my
partner, Donna, and have been working at it ever since. I attended Clarion
in 1988 and made my first pro sale in 1989, to Asimov's. I have
subsequently sold and/or published about 30 short stories. I have sold
three novels to White Wolf Publishing. I write fulltime and pursue my
other interests "on the side".
Denise Vitola
Denise Vitola is the author of several science fiction
novels and short stories. Her current series for Berkley-ACE is a
futuristic crime/mystery story that features Detective Ty Merrick. The
newest novel in this five book series is Opalite Moon. Her next
novel, Manjinn Moon will appear in April, 1998.
Sage Walker
Southwestern SF writer Sage Walker has contributed to
the Wild Cards series. Her first novel Whiteout, a virtual
reality thriller, recently won the Locus Award for Best First Novel.
Don Webb
Austin writer/guru Don Webb has created an immense and
diverse body of work in short fiction of all imaginable categories. A
"typical" piece for him is "Paradise Lost", a first contact/deal with the
devil/Adam and Eve story. His short fiction collections include Uncle
Ovid's Exercise Book and A Spell for the Fulfillment of Desire.
Martha Wells
College Station resident and new homeowner Martha
Wells's first novel, The Element of Fire, was a finalist for the
1993 Compton Crook/Stephen Tall Award and a runner-up for the 1994
Crawford Award. The paperback edition of her second novel, the science
fantasy City of Bones, is just out in bookstores. She is currently
working on a novel set in the same world The Element of Fire, but
in a different era with different characters. Martha's favorite things are
her cats, her husband, and MST3K.
D. Wentworth
Oklahoma writer K. D. Wentworth won the Writers of the
Future Contest in 1988, and since then she's been on a roll. She's
published over thirty short stories in a variety of genres. Del Rey
Discovery has published her novels The Imperium Game,
Moonspeaker, and House of Moons. She attributes her success
to having a very large dog and a wonderful husband, not necessarily in
that order.
Rick Wilber
Rick Wilber's short stories and poems are found in
Asimov's, Analog, Fantasy & Science Fiction,
Science Fiction Age and a variety of other magazines and
anthologies. He teaches journalism and fiction writing at the University
of South Florida, writes textbooks and trade books on writing fiction and
non-fiction, edits Fiction Quarterly for The Tampa Tribune, writes
a sf/f review column for the St. Petersburg Times, and is Administrator of
the Isaac Asimov Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Writing in Fantasy
and Science Fiction.
Walter Jon Williams
Walter Jon Williams and Susan Lucci are in a dead heat
for the number of awards each has been nominated for without winning. He
expects to pull ahead one of these days. His latest work is City On
Fire, in which things blow up real good.
J. Steven York
J. Steven York makes things up for a living. His writing
credits include two non-fiction books, hundreds of non-fiction articles,
and short stories appearing in publications such as Analog,
Science Fiction Review, VB Tech, Tomorrow,
F&SF, and anthologies such as Nanodreams and The
Ultimate X-Men. He was a contributing writer on the Sierra computer
game Missionforce Cyberstorm, and has contributed over 300 pages of
original science fiction to the upcoming Sierra space-colony simulation
game OUTPOST 2. For reasons not entirely clear to him, his story
Hunter's Dawn is required reading in some Australian high-schools.
Upcoming projects include a novel based on the GENERATION-X Marvel comic,
several original novels, and more computer games. His hobbies include
model and amateur rocketry, and expanding his collection of over
four-hundred toy robots. He lives in Eugene, Oregon with his wife Chris
and a large, stupid, dog named Myrtle.
Sarah Zettel started writing fiction in fourth grade and
never stopped. Her obsession has followed her through ten cities, four
states, two countries and one university, where she received a B.A. in
communications. Her short fiction has appeared most recently in
Analog. Her first novel, Reclamation, was nominated for the
Phillip K. Dick Award for distinguished SF. She is currently at work on
her third SF novel.