The Second Occasional LoneStarCon Science Fiction Convention and Chili Cook-off, Variously known as the 55th World Science Fiction Convention and LoneStarCon 2, the 1997 Worldcon, To be held from August 28th through September 1st, in the year 1997, in San Antonio, Texas.
LoneStarCon 2, the 1997 Worldcon Science Fiction Convention: Dealers' Room Information Letter #2
by Steve Francis, LSC2 Dealers' Room Manager
April 1, 1997
s the convention draws near, additional information will be sent to all dealers holding table or booth reservations. This letter will provide information needed by dealers for planning their operation in the Dealers' Room at LoneStarCon 2. The Third letter, which will be sent out at the end of July, will provide such information as table or booth assignments, a room diagram and map of the area around the convention center, driving directions, loading dock and check-in procedures.
My records indicate that you are holding a reservation for ____ table(s) or booth(s) with a deposit of $_______. Your balance of $_______ will be due on or before June 1, 1997. If your balance due is zero, then no further action is necessary other than returning your signed (signed by the dealer whose name is listed above) "WARRANTY OF ARTIST/DEALER AGREEMENT AS TO LIABILITY" agreement to me. Please make out checks or money orders to LoneStarCon 2 and send it to me at the address below. A returned check will cause your name to be placed at the bottom of the priority list. A second incident of a returned check will result in the permanent cancellation of your Dealers' Room reservation.
The price of the first two booths has been reduced to $300 each. It will remain at $400 for the third and more booths. The total price for tables will be $125 each for the first two, $175 each for the third and fourth, and $250 each for all tables more than four.
If you wish to change your table reservation to booth(s), you may do so at any time until August 1, 1997 or as long as booths remain available. Cancellation of your reservation may be done for any reason and at any time before August 1, 1997 with a full refund of all reservation deposits. Cancellations requested after August 1 will be refunded in full when the space in question is resold.
Once all of the space in the Dealers' Room has been sold, all dealers subsequently requesting space will be placed on a wait list. Any checks sent in payment for space will be returned. No deposit will be required to maintain your name on the wait list. You will be contacted in turn if space should become available.
Electricity can be provided at the table locations for an additional fee which will be announced as soon as the cost is established. Dealers with one or more booths will be provided with one electrical drop per dealer at no additional charge. We must be notified by August 1, 1997 of your electrical requirements. Please use 3 wire grounded extension cords and plugs on all electrical equipment or lights used in the room.
The total number of spaces in the Dealers' Room will be 216 tables (arranged in 12 islands) and 51 booths. Each island will be in a 3 X 6 pattern. The room layout will be similar to that of LAcon 3, with a main aisle running through the center of the room. A diagram of the room indicating your location will be sent to you with my third information letter in early August. Table and booth assignments will be made by priority number and allowing for preferences and requests where possible.
All dealers of record must be attending members of the convention by the pre-registration cutoff date of July 31, 1997. There will be no "Dealers' Room Only" memberships available. Your membership number is A_____. If no number is shown here, you must obtain a membership by July 31, 1997. No advance registrations will be accepted after that date. If you have recently purchased a membership that I am not aware of, please notify me of your membership number for my records. The current membership rate is $135.00 and is available through the LoneStarCon address. It is: LoneStarCon 2, P O Box 27277, Austin, TX 78755-2277.
Registration packets, badges and Dealers' Room ribbons for all listed dealers and their assistants will be made available in the Dealers' Room as you check in to the control desk. This will save you a trip through the general registration area. Please send me a list of the names and membership numbers, no later than July 31, 1997, of all persons in your group who will be helping you so that they may also pick up their membership packets in the Dealers' Room. Only those people who have been listed in advance and dealers of record may pick up their membership packets in the Dealers' Room. After the Dealers' Room closes each day, all unclaimed memberships will be returned to the general registration area. If claiming memberships in the general registration area after Dealers' Room hours, please mention that your packet will be found among the dealers' group of memberships so that the people on duty will know where to look for it.
Professional security will be provided in the Dealers' Room from Wednesday during unloading through 10 PM Monday. After 10 PM Monday, any merchandise left in the room will be unguarded and remains there at the owner's risk. The Dealers' Room operating schedule will be as follows:
Wednesday |
August 27 |
8AM to 8PM |
Dealer setup |
Thursday |
August 28 |
8AM to 12N |
Dealer setup |
Thursday |
August 28 |
12N to 6PM |
Open for business, dealer setup continues as necessary |
Friday |
August 29 |
10AM to 6PM |
Open for business |
Saturday |
August 30 |
10AM to 6PM |
Open for business |
Sunday |
August 31 |
10AM to 6PM |
Open for business |
Monday |
September 1 |
10AM to 3PM |
Open for business |
Monday |
September 1 |
3PM to 9PM |
Dealer packing and move out |
The Dealers' Room will be opened at 9AM each day to dealers and their assistants for daily setup and preparation for the day's business. Only staff and dealers with identification ribbons will be allowed into the room between 9AM and 10AM. There will be no parking fee in the area used for dealer unloading.
As with any operation of this size, there is always a list of rules for the conduct of the room.
- You may arrange your space in any fashion that you find works the best for you. However, do not encroach on your neighbor's space without their consent, place nothing beyond six inches into the aisle in from of your space and abide by all decisions and rulings of the Fire Marshal. Place nothing in a position that will cover the fire extinguishers located on the columns.
- Unstable or flimsy displays involving high racks, piles of goods or stacked tables will not be permitted. All high displays must be solid.
- You may use your own display equipment in your area so long as it conforms to rules 1 and 2 above.
- The open corners of the islands will be shared on a 45 degree dividing line basis if two different dealers hold the two tables adjacent to a corner. A dealer holding both tables adjacent to a corner may occupy the entire 2½ foot square opening at the corner. A dealer with a booth at the ends of a line of booths may open the side of the booth to provide access to their area from two directions.
- Badges must be worn in plain sight at all times when in the room.
- Absolutely no smoking will be permitted in the room.
- Food and drink is prohibited in the room except for dealers and their assistants behind their table(s) or in their booth(s).
- Do not leave any critical items in the Dealers' Room after closing. The room will be closed by security until 9:00AM the next morning.
- Empty boxes must be kept neatly under your table(s) or may be neatly stacked in designated spaces outside on the loading dock, until repacking on Monday. Boxes of various sizes might be used so that they can be nested inside of each other while empty. Please mark any boxes that are placed on the loading dock with your name for later identification.
- Incense burning will not be permitted.
- Weapons purchases must be wrapped by the dealer and removed by the purchaser from the room. The general weapons policy of the convention must be observed in the Dealers' Room. Brandishing of weapons is strictly prohibited in any part of the room.
- Video and audio products may be demonstrated and sold as long as such demonstrations do not disturb neighboring dealers or cause congestion in the aisles.
- All merchandise must conform to local, state and Federal copyright laws. The convention and staff will cooperate with law enforcement agencies if action is taken against copyright violators.
- A "WARRANTY OF ARTIST/DEALER AGREEMENT AS TO LIABILITY" statement must be signed and on file with the convention before a dealer will be allowed to set up. A copy of this statement is enclosed.
- The convention reserves the right to close down a dealer's operation and revoke his/her membership without refund, should it become necessary due to violation of convention or Dealers' Room rules.
- All dealers must comply with all tax and selling permit regulations established by state and local authorities. Forms will be provided where required.
I hope that this letter will answer most of the questions that you might have at this time. My third information letter in early August should answer any remaining questions that you have as the convention approaches. If you have any questions not covered here, please feel free to contact me.
 Steve Francis
Dealers' Room Manager, LoneStarCon 2
5503 Matterhorn Drive
Louisville, KY 40216-1326
Phone: (502) 448-6562 between 6PM and 11PM EDT
E-Mail: sjf1138@aol.com
This is the text of the letter which will be sent to all dealers the first of April, 1997.
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