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News from LoneStarCon2

Writers and Artists About the Newszine
The Official Newszine of LoneStarCon2, the 55th World Science Fiction Convention

Last update: Wednesday Afternoon, September 3, 1997

Photo by James Daugherty for LSC2

"I wanna go home with the armadillo/with country music from Amarillo to Abilene/the friendliest people and the prettiest women you ever did see." -- Gary P. Nunn, "London Homesick Blues"

Final Attendance -- 4,006

Chicago in 2000 wins Worldcon Site Ballot.

Anaheim, California, Conucopia wins 1999 NASFiC Ballot.


Issue Nine

Tom Becker and Adina Adler, Editors

Thanks Y'all

Sunday Night's Parties

Fashion Notes: Best Hat

Pretty Confused, After All These Years

Art, People and Chili

All Knowledge Hypothesis Founders
in Subterranean Investigation

Why Domino?

WSFS Business Completed Saturday

Remembering the Alamo in SF

Issue Eight

Tom Becker and Rachel Holmen, Editors

Masquerade Results

Masquerade Photos

Hogu and Blackhole Award Winners

Atomic Fireballs on the Stilaguamish


Issue Seven

Chris O'Shea & Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Editors

Alternate Realities

Site Ballot Results


Saturday's Parties Review

Issue Six

Tom Becker, Editors

Sunday Comics

Comic Strip by Sherlock

ST-AN by Joe Mayhew

Murphy Robinson, Q.I. by Kurt Erichsen

Program Changes -- Sunday

More Awards: Golden Duck and Sidewise

Talking Like a Trufan


Roy Tackett Roast


Issue Five

Tom Becker and Moshe Feder, Editors

The 1997 Hugo Awards

The Details of the Ballot

Other Awards

The Origin of the Hugo Rocket

Web Special: Play-by-Play Hugo Coverage

Issue Four

David Bratman and Adina Adler, Editors

Parties -- Saturday

Restaurant Reviews

Friday's Parties Reviewed

Chesley Awards

Short Story Contest Winner

Program Changes & Announcements


Issue Three

Chris O'Shea and Tom Becker, Editors

el Fanac

Friday's Parties

Thursday's Parties Reviewed

Program Announcements

Other Announcements


Issue Two

Teresa Nielsen Hayden and Adina Alder, Editors

The Armadillo Has Landed

el Fandom

Jo Clayton Update

Program Announcements

Review: Bob's Smokehouse

Issue One

Tom Becker and Mike Glyer, Editors


Volunteers Needed!

Maitz Shirts Flying off the Rack

Everything I Needed to Know I Learned by Throwing a Party

Poets of the Caribbean

Masqurade Info

Special Interest Groups

Weird Fannish Stuff and Fan Program

Filk Programming

Weapons Policy

WSFS New Business Deadline Today


Other Reports

Besides the official LSC2 web site, these organizations are covering the World Science Fiction Convention.

The Sci Fi Channel
Talk City
San Antonio Express News

Fan Reporting

These fannish Web sites will be reporting from the convention as well.

Laurie D. T. Mann
Ozone Broadcasting
Perry Rhodan Homepage
Deltos Fleet Computing