Budget Boot Camp - Now Full
Exclusively Available on Friday, December 4, 2009
Will be hosted by Vincent Docherty, Deb Geisler and Mark Olson
The Budget Boot Camp is now full. There may be cancellations.
To be placed on a waiting list or for more information email bootcamp@EatFlamingLaserDeath.com .
A note from Deb Geisler...
This... is going out to everyone who attended, wanted to attend, or worked on the Budgeting Bootcamp this afternoon
at Smofcon 27. We'd like to thank you very much for your interest and enthusiasm -- it was a great opportunity for us to
get folks of varied experience levels and convention types together and talk about what we consider one of the most
important parts of running successful conventions.
We're sorry not everyone could join us (including our colleague Vince Docherty, who could not attend), but we wanted
to make sure you all had access to many of the materials we distributed this afternoon. The wiki we discussed is located
at http://budgetingbootcamp.wikispaces.com/ -- please note that it is not perfect, since it was our working discussion
of what would happen (and, as you can tell if you attended, we didn't get to everything!). If there are materials you
don't see there, but you would like a copy of, please drop me (Deb) email, and I'll see to it that anything we've
forgotten is available to you.
Here's hoping that the rest of your Smofcon experience is a great one!
Deb Geisler, MarkOlson, and Leslie Turek