The Second Occasional LoneStarCon Science Fiction Convention and Chili Cook-off, Variously known as the 55th World Science Fiction Convention and LoneStarCon 2, the 1997 Worldcon, To be held from August 28th through September 1st, in the year 1997, in San Antonio, Texas.
LoneStarCon 2, the 1997 Worldcon: Tours
e have been researching
local tours and amusements in San Antonio.
Barge Trips
No trip to San Antonio is complete without a trip
down the Riverwalk on a barge. The restaurants and
stores around the Riverwalk are all lit up, giving you
a unique perspective on the city.
The barges depart frequently from the mall courtyard, from
early in the morning until late in the evening.
If you take the standard barge trip, it'll cost you
$4.00 for a one hour trip.
LoneStarCon has chartered barges for trips down
the Riverwalk each night (Thursday, August 28-Sunday,
August 31) from 10pm-11pm. These charters depart from
the Marriott Riverwalk Hotel. Sign-up for the each
charter takes place at the Information booth
in the Convention Center. The cost is just $2.00
per person. Sign up early in the con - each barge can only
take 40 people. If there's enough interest, we
might be able to add additional barges at the con.
If you want to charter a barge for your group that leaves
at another time, you'll need to do it as soon as possible.
Call 210-244-5700 and ask for charter information.
It costs $70 to rent a barge, that seats up to 40 people,
for an hour - $30 for each additional half-hour. Tax
is additional.
In addition to barge trips, Yanaguana Cruises also coordinates
dinner cruises. Most restaurants along Riverwalk, including
that fannish favorite, County Line, will cater a dinner for
you and 15-20 of your friends on an hour and a half
barge tour. Depending on which restaurant you select,
the dinner cruises cost from $30-$45 a person. Again, these
charters must be arranged well in advance of the Worldcon.
To get a list of participating restaurants, call Yanaguana
Cruises at 210-244-5700. If you want to arrange an all-you-can
eat BBQ dinner, catered from County Line Riverwalk, call
Local Amusements
6 Flags Fiesta
Texas is open on weekends only after 8/17,
from 10am-10pm. Phone: 210-697-500 or 800-473-4378.
Rates: One-day: $31.00. Child/Senior: $21.50.
Special rates available for groups of 15 or more. Parking is $6.
MasterCard, American Express, Visa, and Discover cards are accepted.
World of Texas is open on weekends only after 8/16,
from 10am-10pm. Phone: 210-523-3000 800-722-2762.
Rates: One-day: $32.27 Child: $21.50 Senior: 10% discount.
San Antonio Zoo
Open 9am-6:30 daily
(closes at 5:00 Labor Day and after)
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