Ursa Major goes on record as supporting San Antonio in 97. In fact, they support it so much that they are doing a fannish guide to San Antonio which will be in your packet at registration. Here is a sample of what you will find in the guide:San Antonio is one of the four unique cities in America. We have good weather most of the time, our airport is only 20 minutes from downtown and we are friendly. Our historical train station currently receiving a face lift, is served by Amtraks Limited (Miami, FL to Los Angeles, CA) and the Texas Eagle (Chicago, IL to San Antonio, TX). We have a beautiful convention center, a river that runs right through the middle of downtown and hotels that really are walking distance from the convention center (try across the street)
San Antonio is one of the four unique cities in America. We have good weather most of the time, our airport is only 20 minutes from downtown and we are friendly. We have the Alamo, the Alamodome (multi-use covered stadium), Botanical Gardens, Brackenridge Park, Carver Cultural Center, Fiesta Texas, Guadalupe Cultural Art Center, Hemisfair Park, Institute of Texan Cultures, Imax Theater, King William Historical Area, La Villita, Market Square, Mexican Cultural Institute, Mission Trail, Rivercenter Mall (the San Antonio River is on one side), Riverwalk, Sea World of Texas, and a world class zoo.
We have fast food, good hamburgers, Italian food, Mexican food, Chinese food, steaks, etc., all within four blocks of the Convention Center. Plus the restaurants in the hotels. Try the lunch buffet in the Rivercenter Marriott.
We look forward to meeting you in San Antonio in 97. Just look for the Cosmic Cowboys . . . .
Please send any comments to Maintainer: alamowebmaster@alamo-sf.org
This publication ©1996 by LoneStarCon 2, a service mark of the Austin Literary Arts Maintenance Organization, a 501(c)(3) non-profit literary/educational organization. All rights reserved. World Science Fiction Society, WSFS, World Science Fiction Convention, Worldcon, NASFiC and Hugo are registered service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society.
The web version of this print publication was designed and produced by The Escher Group: Terry Sisk Graybill, Jane Jewell, Peggy Rae Pavlat and Katje Bonk Renner. All rights to design and design elements ©1996 by The Escher Group and used here by permission. For further information, please contact The Escher Group at: TGraybill@aol.com
All artwork ©1995 by the artists and used here by permission.
Last updated on Friday, September 06, 1996. This site uses HTML 3.2 and Netscape Enhancement features.
Url: http://www.alamo-sf.org/lonestarcon2/pr2/ls2-15a.html