The Second Occasional LoneStarCon Science Fiction Convention and Chili Cook-off,
Variously known as the 55th World Science Fiction Convention and LoneStarCon 2,
To be held from August 28th through September 1st, in the year 1997, in San Antonio, Texas.
Progress Report #1 Programming
by Debbie Hodgkinson
t the 1997 World Science Fiction Convention we're going to offer
programming about everything science fiction fans are interested
in everything that influences how the future could be, and everything
that fans do to create fandom: costumes, filk, zines and conventions.
Whether you are interested in art, writing, science, sociology,
economics, space exploration, films, or computers, there will
be topics of interest. Our goal is to make boredom impossible
for five days.
As a WorldCon located on the edge of Latin America, in a city
that was formerly part of Mexico, our particular interest will
be how science fiction is written, used, and perceived in those
countries of the Western Hemisphere south of our own. We hope
to have writers, artists and editors in attendance whose mother
tongues are Spanish and Portuguese, and to have discussions of
science fiction in translation.
Right now what you can do to help create a better Worldcon is
to keep those cards and letters coming in. If you have heard someone
speak particularly eloquently on a topic you think would be of
interest to the membership of the WorldCon, report that person
to me. I'll do what I can to draft them. If you are the one dying
to speak, let me know that, too. What are the hot topics in SF
for you? What gets you excited in your own work or in the work
of others? Send me your comments and suggestions.
Send your comments and suggestions to:
Programming, LoneStarCon 2
P.O. Box 27277
Austin, TX 78755
email: goldfish@io.com