The Second Occasional LoneStarCon Science Fiction Convention and Chili Cook-off, Variously known as the 55th World Science Fiction Convention and LoneStarCon 2, the 1997 Worldcon, To be held from August 28th through September 1st, in the year 1997, in San Antonio, Texas.
LoneStarCon 2, the 1997 Worldcon: Masquerade Rules
es, I know this is a lot of rules. There is a reason for every one of
them. Sometimes the reason is that it works better that way. Sometimes it is because a person
did something at a Masquerade which endangered or inconvenienced themselves, other costumes and
costumers, the crew, or the audience. If you believe that you have a really good reason not
to comply with one of the rules, you must convince the
Masquerade Director to make an
exception preferably way before the event.
- All participants must be Attending Members of LoneStarCon 2.
- Costumes should be pre-registered. I will hold a very limited number of spots for at-Con
registration, but these are really for neos who didn't know about the Masquerade beforehand.
Pre-register even if you don't know whether your costume will be ready. It is a lot easier to
delete you from the database at the Con than to put you in.
- All costumes must be science-fiction or fantasy related. This includes fantasy and SF
paintings or cartoons, but not purely historical costumes with no F&SF connection.
- No nudity for nudity's sake. The Judges will not give awards for what God made. There
must be some display of skill in creating and executing a design.
- The following costumes may not be shown in the competition: purchased or rented costumes
or Hall Costumes (costumes which have been worn in the Convention halls prior to the
Masquerade). Costumes which have won a major award at a WorldCon or CostumeCon may not
compete for an award but may be shown Out-of-Competition.
- Small children must be under the control of a responsible adult at all times.
- Your costume must be finished before you get to the Green Room. No sewing, gluing,
soldering. or other construction work except for final assembly of large costumes and props or
unexpected repairs.
- Each contestant may appear only once on stage. You may enter another costume if it is worn
by another person. In that case, any award goes to the maker/designer.
- Live microphones will not be available to costumers. You may record on tape any
background music (strongly recommended, as it will greatly improve the effect of your costume),
narration, or text for lip-synching. Any narration to be read by the MC will be limited to 50
words. If you wish to interact with the MC, be sure to consult with him at the tech rehearsal.
- Costumers and their assistants will be required to sign releases for liability and for use of
video. By appearing in the Masquerade, a costumer allows the convention to make video tapes
and offer them for sale. For participants under eighteen years of age, the release will have to be
signed by a parent or guardian.
- All costumers must walk the stage before the Masquerade, as we don't want you to fall off
and hurt yourself or others. There will be plenty of time for this, since the stage will be up for
the entire convention and will be used only for the Hugos and Masquerade. Someone will be
there to check off that you have, in fact, familiarized yourself with the area.
- For safety reasons, the following are not allowed: live animals, substances which might
damage or soil other costumes, fire, flash powder, explosives, projectiles, or anything else to
which the Safety Officer takes exception. Electronic flashes may be used, provided you notify
the Masquerade Director and the Safety Officer in advance.
- Weapons: There will be no illegal weapons of any kind! If you plan to use a weapon (real
or fake) in your presentation, you must satisfy the Weapons Master that you can do so without
endangering anyone, yourself included, before you will be allowed to carry it. If you do decide
to carry a real weapon, you will be required to sign a release accepting legal and financial
responsibility for any damage your weapon may cause to persons or property.
- Costumes with electric power requirements need to be self-contained, as there will be no
access to outlets.
- Time limits: Groups of up to four costumes may have a maximum of 60 seconds on stage.
Larger groups may have up to 90 seconds. If you feel you must have more time to do a good
presentation, persuade me. (Note: 60 seconds is a long time, especially if you are up there all
by yourself.)
- Do not leave anything on stage that a Stage Ninja cannot pick up quickly. If you plan to
leave anything on stage, even if it is only a handful of glitter, let us know so we can clear the
stage before the next costume enters. If you will be using large props, you need to bring your
own people to get them on and off, and tell us how many and who they are.
- Surprise the audience, not the Masquerade Director. If you are planning something
completely different, let us know well in advance. We won't tell anyone who does not have to
- The Masquerade Director has the authority to eliminate anyone from the competition on the
grounds of taste, danger, rules violations, or any other reason which she feels to be sufficient.
There will be no appeal.
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