The Second Occasional LoneStarCon Science Fiction Convention and Chili Cook-off, Variously known as the 55th World Science Fiction Convention and LoneStarCon 2, the 1997 Worldcon, To be held from August 28th through September 1st, in the year 1997, in San Antonio, Texas.
Pegasus Management Worldcon 1997 Art Show Information and Rules
The LoneStarCon 2/1997 Worldcon Art Show will be held in San Antonio, Texas on August 28-September 1, 1997, and will be run by Pegasus Management. For those of you who don't know us, Pegasus Management and Team Pegasus have been running art shows and print shops for over 10 years. Our credits include 4 World Con Print Shops, the 1994 World Fantasy show, Origins (World Gaming), 1996 WesterCon, Galaxy Fair/Art Con, and many others. We are also managing the Art Show for the 1997 Dragon Con.
Please read the following information carefully as there will be some changes from previous years.
Artists participating in this or any other Pegasus Management art show are not required to have convention memberships to exhibit their art. However, to attend the show or participate in the convention a membership will be required. As of April 1997 the attending membership is US$135 and the supporting is US$25.
Please reserve your space in advance. All material so pre-registered will be displayed. All other art (walk-in art) will be allocated space on a first-come-first-serve basis as space allows, though we doubt there will be any such space available. For the first time, we are offering a limited amount of space as a resale area (see details below).
The facets of our show will include:
The Main Art Show
The Main Art Show will be large we will have 300+ 4´ x 6´ panels and 24+ 8´ tables in the North banquet Hall of the Convention Center. There will be a steady flow of traffic between the Art Show and the Dealers/Exhibit Area.
Chesley and Hugo Nominees Areas
All pieces that have been nominated for a Chesley will be hung in one clearly-marked area in the Main Art Show; all Hugo-nominated artists will be displayed in another clearly-marked area.
Michael Moorcock/Algis Budrys Retrospective Areas
There will be a special themed display of paintings, drawings, etc. on display from Michael Moorcock's books as well as covers from Algis Budrys magazines collected from various artists and owners. If you have such work and would like to be included in this area, please let us know. Displaying is free, though as with all areas in the show a commission will be charged on any art sold.
Print Shop
The Print Shop will be large! We will not have a limit on the number of prints that can be entered; however, we will be charging fees based on the number of titles entered. Half of all proceeds from sales in the Print Shop will go to ASFA. (see below)
Resale Area
There will be a clearly marked resale area. This is for art being sold by someone other than the original artist or that artist's agent. All people wishing to make use of this area must have a complete inventory sheet turned in to Pegasus Management by no later than July 25th so that we may contact the exhibiting artists and allow them the first right of refusal.
This allows the artist that created the piece the right to refuse the pieces' showing at WorldCon if the artist feels that particular piece is in direct competition with work the artist is exhibiting (a print of an original the artist has for sale) or is simply not suited for the show. We will abide by the artist's decision. Please contact Pegasus Management for further information regarding the resale area. The bid sheets for this area will be a different color than the rest of the show to further distinguish these pieces.
Main Art Show Fees
Space will be rented in units of Panels and Tables. A Panel is 4´ x 6´, and a Table is 8´ x 30" Panels can be rented in units of Full (4´ x 6´) and Half (4´ x 3´). There will be a limit of 8 panels unless special arrangements are made prior to registration. Tables will be rented in Full (8´ x 30"), Half (4´ x 30"), and Quarter (2´ x 30"). There will be a 2-table limit unless special arrangements are made prior to registration. Free-standing and oversized displays will be allowed again, please contact us for prices and availability. A limited number of rounds may be available. Please contact us for prices and sizes.
There will be a 10% commission charged on all works sold in the Main Art Show. Display fees (panels and tables) will be applied towards your commission. If your sales generate a greater commission than your total display fees, you will owe the difference, and it will be deducted from your sales. However, if you do not generate enough sales to cover the display fees, no additional charges will apply.
Fees for displaying in the LoneStarCon 2 Main Art Show:
PANEL | (4´ x 6´) | $40.00 |
½ PANEL | (4´ x 3´) | $20.00 |
TABLE | (8´ x 30") | $70.00 |
½ TABLE | (4´ x 30") | $35.00 |
¼ TABLE | (2´ x 30") | $20.00 |
Print Shop Fees
There is no limit on the number of prints each artist may enter; however, we will charge fees for participation in the Print Shop. These fees will be based upon the number of titles entered, not the number of actual prints. If one artist has only one image but 30 copies of it, she would be charged $10.00. (see below) If another artist has one copy each of 30 different images, he would be charged $20.00.
Fees for displaying in the LoneStarCon 2 Print Shop:
1 to 5 TITLES (unlimited copies) | $10.00 |
6 to 10 TITLES (unlimited copies) | $15.00 |
11 or more TITLES (unlimited copies) | $20.00 |
A 10% commission will be charged on all work shown in the Print Shop. Half the commission earned at the Print Shop will go to the Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists (ASFA).
All prints in the show, whether in the print shop or not, must be clearly labeled as to print type (photoprint, hand-thrown print, etc.) and print run (1 of 100). Posters and "unlimited" print runs will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Lillian Butler for details.
Mail-in Art
We will be accepting mail-in art, and there will be an additional fee of $15 per artist for this service. The mailing address for mail-in art will be sent out with your paperwork once you have reserved your space. All artists mailing artwork to the convention must ship prepaid. PLEASE DO NOT SEND MAIL-IN ART TO THE PEGASUS ADDRESS.
We will accept mail-in entries up to August 25th. You should utilize reusable cartons and packing materials and must include, in addition to space fees, sufficient money to cover return postage and insurance. Please specify IN WRITING which service (UPS, Post Office, etc.) you wish your art returned by, and how much you want it insured for. If no special instructions are given, mail-in art will be returned via UPS. If special handling is required, please include instructions for this also.
We have a deadline of August 1st for entries but will probably sell out much earlier than that. We will have a waiting list. Please let us know as soon as possible if your status (attending, mail-in, cancelling, etc.) suddenly changes. Cancellations must be in by Monday, August 25th to receive a refund. Contact: Lillian Butler (512) 445-4869, email: chelsea@io.com.
If an artist is not at the show by noon on Friday, (with no contact) his or her space will be resold to the next person on the waiting list.
Payment for all fees should be via check or money order in US funds. (Please, please don't mail cash!) If you find at the last minute that you cannot attend the convention but wish to send in your art, please let us know as soon as possible. In these cases only, you may include the mail-in fee with your artwork paperwork.
- Art should be of a Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Media, Astronomical or related theme. If the subject is Media, it must not violate existing copyrights or Trademarks. It is the artist's responsibility to ensure that the artwork is lawful and legal. Works that are judged to be libelous, plagiaristic, or detrimental to the value of trademarked characters will not be permitted. WorldCon and Pegasus Management are not responsible for any trademark or copyright violations. Single copies of signed limited edition prints are allowed for bid sale so long as those same prints are not available elsewhere at the convention. Pegasus Management reserves the right to refuse the exhibition of any piece for any reason it sees fit. If you have any doubts on a piece you'd like to show, check with a Show Director before the show. A phone call, a slide or Polaroid picture sent prior to the convention will alleviate questions of showability.
- All two-dimensional artwork must be matted, mounted, or framed. Please attach some sort of hanging device to the back of the artwork. String, wire, and hanging bars will greatly expedite the hanging and will be vastly appreciated. Attending artists and agents must hang their own art. We will be using pegboard, hooks, and bulldog clips. Helpers and equipment (hooks, clips, tape, string, etc.) will be provided. Those artists who are mailing in art please try to include a diagram of how you wish your art to be hung in your space. Please allow enough room for Bid Sheets. The use of signs, promotional materials and business cards are encouraged, as long as they fit in your assigned area and don't get in the way of other displays. Please plan your layouts accordingly!
- A lockable display case is suggested for small items like jewelry. If you are bringing small items and do not have a case, please contact us and we will try to find you one.
- All artwork must be clearly labeled. A bid sheet must be made out for all pieces, whether for sale or not. The piece number must be on the back of each piece (on stickers which we can provide), along with the title and artist's name.
- Once entered in the show, no piece may be withdrawn before 5 p.m. Sunday, at the end of the convention, nor may the conditions of sale
amount of minimum bid, NFS status, Quick Sale amount, etc. be changed without the express approval of a Show Director.
- The Art Show will be set up Wednesday August 27th and should be open to artists for hanging if you plan to arrive early. The show will open to artists Thursday morning; to the public Thursday afternoon.
A receipt will be issued for all art accepted. You will not be considered checked in to the Art Show unless you have completed all your paperwork and your art has been checked in by show personnel. (see below) Artwork may not be reclaimed without this receipt and identification. If you cannot reclaim your art yourself please make arrangements ahead of time with a Show Director.
- There will be a 10% sales commission charged on all pieces sold. Please allow for this when calculating your Minimum Bid and Quick Sale Prices.
Minimum Bid is the least price you will accept for the sale of your art. The Quick Sale Price should be a higher price (usually the regular gallery price of the piece) that will enable the piece to be sold without going to auction. You may opt not to have a Quick Sale price, but all "For Sale" pieces in the main show MUST have a minimum bid price. If you use a Quick Sale price it MUST be higher than the minimum bid. There is no extra charge for Not For Sale pieces, other than panel/table fees. All pieces with no bids will be available on Sunday and Monday at the Quick Sale price. There will be a box on the Bid Sheet that you can check if you decide not to allow the piece to be sold at this price. Pieces with fewer bids than are required to go to auction will be sold to the highest bidder.
- Photos will not be allowed within the art show without the express permission of a Show Director, except for certified members of the press. Please do not give anyone permission to take photos of your pieces in the art show.
All prints must be clearly labeled with the artist's name, the title, print type, print run, and price. We encourage shrink wrapping for the print shop copies to protect against damage from handling. Both matted and unmatted copies are allowed in the print shop, but unmatted copies MUST be either packaged in plastic with cardboard backing or rolled into tubes with one matted copy for display. We will allow 3D art in the Print Shop; please contact Pegasus Management for details.
The print shop will take a 10% commission.
Each piece in the Art Show will have a bid sheet with information about the piece and space for written bids. We expect it will take 6 or 7 bids to reach the voice auction, but we won't make a final decision until we see how the sales are going at the spring and summer shows. The auction will be held on Sunday afternoon. We will close the Art Show approximately one hour before the auction Sunday to collect pieces for the auction. A list of piece numbers for the auction will be posted as soon as possible after we close.
Checking In
- Come to the North Banquet Hall in the Convention Center. (There will be a loading dock available to artists.)
In the the Hall there is a small stage. Art Show Administration will be run from here.
- Let the Art Show staff know you are here, and ask where your space is. A smiling volunteer will show you to your display area and show you where the hanging hardware and other accessories are located.
- Hang your art, making sure that your bid sheets are easily accessible to people with pens.
- Find another Art Show staffer. Tell him or her that you are ready to be checked in. Please have your control sheets filled out and ready!
- The Art Show staffer will check in your art, making sure that all of the art on your control sheet(s) is indeed in the show and that the prices on your Bid Sheets agree with the information on your control sheet. Then he or she will sign your sheet and give you the pink copy.
- Pick up any extra clips, etc. and store your boxes in the area provided for them. Please make sure all boxes, cases, etc. have your name clearly marked on them!
Checking Out
- Come back to the North Banquet Hall. BRING YOUR CONTROL SHEET COPY!
- Go to your area. Admire all of the lovely empty spaces. Then bring your Control Sheet copy and all of your Bid Sheets to the Art Show Administration area.
- A staffer will print out a record of all your sales and will check off your remaining art against it and your Control Sheet. (For Print Shop sales, count up the number of copies of each print you have and stack them up. Let the staffer double-check the count, if necessary.)
- Get your boxes out of the storage area (if they are not already at your display space). Re-pack your art, and have fun hauling it home!
- Your check for any sales will be mailed to you.
All pieces are sold without any reproduction rights. We can provide a list of pieces sold with the names and addresses of the purchasers if you should wish to negotiate these rights. Stating that rights are included with sale is not the legal method to assign rights in the State of Texas. The art auction is planned for Sunday afternoon. Buyers will be allowed to pay with cash, travelers checks, Visa, MasterCard, or personal checks with sufficient identification. Be prepared for the Art Show staff to handle your sold artwork!
Please plan to pick up all artwork between the hours of 12:00 and 4:00 p.m. Monday.
We will try to keep all work by a single artist together, but this may not be possible with some artists who have both 2D and 3D pieces. If you have questions or special requests, please contact us as soon as possible.Registration will be acknowledged and all information on shipping and arrivals will be sent in confirmation letter with your bid and inventory sheets.
We will be holding an Artist's Reception in the Art Show. It will be open to all interested convention attendees, and will double as the ASFA/Chesley Awards reception. Bring something nice to wear!
The Art Show opens Thursday afternoon. We will close at 8 p.m. each day, 1 hour after the Dealers Room, to allow dealers and their assistants access. On the day of the reception, we will have extended hours. These will be posted at the Art Show and will be listed in the Program Book.
Security will be provided by the Dorsai and the Convention Center.
There will be packaging and mailing supplies available for sale at the Print Shop for buyers so they can mail their artwork home without worrying about baggage handlers. If you are selling small 3D pieces, it is especially advisable to provide small sturdy boxes and packing material for each piece.
You may wish to post your schedule or availability on your panel so that interested publishers, buyers, and autograph hounds will know when and where to contact you.
The Art Show Awards will be voted on by the convention members. Categories will include Best in Show, as well as both Professional and Amateur awards in Color, B&W, and 3D. There may also be some special awards.
To reserve your space, send completed forms and payment (in US funds only, made out to LoneStarCon 2) to:
Pegasus Management
PO Box 150471
Arlington, TX 76015-6471
Attn.: Worldcon Art Show
For information, questions, or comments, you can contact us by phone (817) 467-0681, fax (817) 467-5346, or e-mail: pegasus@bab.com and chelsea@io.com (be sure and include regular mail address). However, reservations will only be accepted through the mail.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Jean Stuntz & Lillian Butler
Show Directors
The convention leases space to artists to display and sell artwork. I understand that it is my responsibility, not the responsibility of the convention or its management, to make certain that the artwork I display and sell at the convention is lawful and legal in and of itself; that it is not in violation of any copyright, patent, or trademark; that it was obtained from me in a lawful manner; and that its display and/or sale does not violate any law or ordinance.
I warrant that my artwork does comply with these requirements. I agree that the convention and its management, as individuals or as a group, shall be held harmless in case of any violation, and that I shall make good any damage, cost, loss, or penalty incurred by my breach of this warranty.
Signed _____________________________________________________________
Date: ____/____/____
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